

时间:2021-03-20 10:26:41 英语作文




英语作文 篇1










英语作文 篇2

  Some people have seen the sea, but others haven't. The sea looks beautiful on a fine day. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.

  The sea is very large. There is more sea in the world than land.

  If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can't sink when you are in the water. And fish can't live in it!

英语作文 篇3

  The pearly morning dew glistened on the petals; the pink faces looked at the people, smiling so brightly. Just a branch, there are dozens of cherry blossom, and each cherry blossom has its own charming posture: there are flower bones in bud, like a shy little girl; there are only two or three petals of small flowers, really "half covered with Pipa"; there are all the big cherry blossom, showing a warm smile to people. Cherry Blossom cluster, cluster, have big have small, have slant have slant, have thick have light, appear more colorful.


英语作文 篇4

  Grade 6 half of the day, the head teacher of our class to see the newspaper has a child fast reading, but have no money, our teacher ready to raise money for the children to donate in the past, a class cadre know this matter, tell us, and led by the monitor, the money together.

  The next day, we put our money in the red envelope and handed it to the teacher. In that time, we did not count the teachers and her children. The head teacher and her children donated more than 200, and the "monopoly" of our class took the rest of his pocket money in one breath, and donated more than 120 yuan. He also donates a red eye. I asked him why. "I forgot to buy my own money," he said. We all laughed, and the teacher laughed too.

  On the third day, our representative went to give the money to charity. The representative of our class told about the donation to the charity meeting when he was in the class meeting: "the students in your class are really loving," he said. Our representative said, "it's nothing!" The representative also brought three certificates: one is the proof of the money donated by the teacher and her child; The second is the proof of the money donated in the class; The third is to say that we have the love, the most loving class collective. Because of this donation, we also got the advanced class in the school!

  We have a lot of participation. I can't remember how many times I've been in grade one to grade four. Fifth grade, the school held two, grade six. Similar activities in our class were held three times in grades four to six.

  The students in our class were very supportive of the donation activity, and some of them said, "at the beginning, sex was good, and donating money was a good thing." Another student said: "helping others is also a blessing for themselves!"

英语作文 篇5

  First listen and then answer the following question.


  When will it be possible for us to think seriously about colonising Mars?

  The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System, supplying the rocket fuels for its ships, easily obtainable from the lunar rocks in the form of liquid oxygen. The reason lies in its gravity. Because the Moon has only an eightieth of the Earth's mass, it requires 97 percent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth's surface into orbit!

  This may sound fantastic, but it is easily calculated. To escape from the Earth in a rocket, one must travel at seven miles per second. The comparable speed from the Moon is only 1.5 miles per second. Because the gravity on the Moon's surface is only a sixth of Earth's (remember how easily the Apollo astronauts bounded along), it takes much less energy to accelerate to that 1.5 miles per second than it does on Earth. Moon-dwellers will be able to fly in space at only three per cent of the cost of similar journeys by their terrestrial cousins.

  Arthur C. Clark once suggested a revolutionary idea passes through three phases:

  1 'It's impossible -- don't waste my time.'

  2 'It's possible, but not worth doing.'

  3 'I said it was a good idea all along.'

  The idea of colonising Mars -- a world 160 times more distant than the Moon -- will move decisively from the second phase to the third, when a significant number of people are living permanently in space. Mars has an extraordinary fascination for would-be voyagers. America, Russia and Europe are filled with enthusiasts -- many of them serious and senior scientists -- who dream of sending people to it. Their aim is understandable. It is the one world in the Solar System that is most like the Earth. It is a world of red sandy deserts (hence its name -- the Red Planet), cloudless skies, savage sandstorms, chasms wider than the Grand Canyon and at least one mountain more than twice as tall as Everest. It seems ideal for settlement.



  这点听起来令人难以置信,但却很容易计算出来。要乘坐一枚火箭飞离地球,火箭的速度要达到每秒7英里,而从月球出发的相应速度史是每秒1.5英里。由于月球表面的重力仅是地球表面的1/6 -- 还记得阿波罗飞船中的宇航员累松地跳跃 -- 在月球上加速到每秒1.5英里比在地球上所用能源要少得多。月球居民在太空遨游的费用仅是地球上朋友飞越同样路所需费用的3%。


  1 “根本不可能,不要浪费我的时间。”

  2 “可能,但不值得做。”

  3 “我一直说这是个好想法。”

  如果有相当数量的人永久性地住在太空,征服火星的计划 -- 一个比月球远160倍的星球 -- 就可以明确地从第2阶段进入第3阶段。火星对未来的星际旅客说有着特殊的魅力。美国、俄罗斯和欧洲都有许多热心此项事业的人 -- 其中的不少是认真和资深的科学家,他们一直梦想着把人送上火星。他们的目标是可以理解的。火星是太阳系里与地球最接近的一颗行星。这是一个红色沙漠的世界(因而得名:红色行星),无云的天空,凶猛的沙暴,比大峡谷还宽的裂缝,起码有一座山有珠穆朗玛峰的近两倍高。看起来,它很合适居住。

  1.hub n.(活动的)中心

  例句:Chicago is a hub of airline traffic.


  2.lunar adj.月球的

  例句:May 5th of the a Chinese lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival.


  3.oxygen n.氧气

  4.Apollo n.阿波罗

  5.accelerate v.加速

  例句:Our country should accelerate the economic growth.


  6.terrestrial adj. 地球的

  例句:Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.


  7.permanently adv.永远地

  例句:His radio is permanently tuned to Radio 1.

  他的收音机永远调拨在无线电1 台上。

  8.fascination n.魅力

  例句:Seeing over a thousand species of fish is part of the fascination of the reef.


  9.senior adj.资历深的,年长的

  10.chasm n.断层,裂口

  11.canyon n.峡谷

  1.The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System, supplying the rocket fuels for its ships, easily obtainable from the lunar rocks in the form of liquid oxygen.

  supplying the rocket fuels for its ships是现在分词做状语。

  in the form of以……形式

  例句:The novel is cast in the form of a diary.


  Our soundings are displayed in the form of a graph.


  2.The reason lies in its gravity.

  lie in在于

  例句:All their hopes lie in him.


  The trouble lies in the engine.


  3.Because the Moon has only an eightieth of the Earth's mass, it requires 97 percent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth's surface into orbit!

  an eightieth of分数的表达方式。详见语法部分。

  4.To escape from the Earth in a rocket, one must travel at seven miles per second.

  To escape是目的状语,相当于in order to

  5.Because the gravity on the Moon's surface is only a sixth of Earth's (remember how easily the Apollo astronauts bounded along), it takes much less energy to accelerate to that 1.5 miles per second than it does on Earth.

  much less energy,much用来修饰比较级less。修饰比较是副词much的常见用法,“much 比较级”的意思是“更……”“……得多”。如:

  It’s much colder today than it was yesterday. 今天比昨天冷得多。

  It was much worse than I thought. 它比我想像的还要糟得多。

  We will be a much better football team next year. 明年我们将会成为一支更好的足球队。


  much修饰最高级应置于最高级前的定冠词之前,而不是之后。“much the 最高级”的意思是“最最……”“绝对是最……”。如:

  This is much the most difficult. 这是最最难的。

  That’s much the best plan. 那绝对是最好的计划。

  Of the three boys Nick is much the cleverest. 这三个男孩中,尼克最最聪明。

  6.Russia and Europe are filled with enthusiasts -- many of them serious and senior scientists -- who dream of sending people to it.

  dream of梦见,梦想,向往,渴望

  例句:I never dreamed of such a thing.


  I've long dreamed of paying a visit to the Great Wall.







  1.The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter.厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一。

  2.However,the number of boys will bea third or less than the girls in the class.但是,班里男生的人数将比女生少三分之一或更少。


  3.The sum of one half,one third and one fourth of a certain number is 13.某数的1/2,1/3和1/4的和是13。 1/4和3/4可以说a(one)fourth和three fourths,但常用a quarter和three quarters表示。应该注意的是,分数修饰名词时,若该名词是不可数名词只能用单数;若是可数名词,用单数或复数均可。但是,若它们在句子中作主语,则谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与分数所修饰的名词保持一致。例如:

  4.Only one-fifth of air consists of oxygen.氧气只占空气的1/5。

  5.About two thirds of the students attendthe meeting.大约2/3的学生都参加了会议。

  带分数也是常见的英语数词表达。所谓带分数,实际上是“整数+分数”,表达时分而述之,只是整数部分与分数部分要用连词 and连接。当带分数修饰名词时,该名词通常是复数,但若名词置于整数one或a之后,则用单数。“带分数+名词”作主语时,谓语动词根据临近原则要用复数。例如:

  6.You should finish the work within one and a fourth hours.你应在1.25小时内完成工作。

  7.The atom breaks up in a minute and a quarter.原子在1.25分钟内裂变。

  二、用per cent等表示

  表示百分之一可以说one(a)hundredth,但更常用one percent或per cent,即用百分数表示法来表达。例如:

  8.Our bodies are 65percent water.我们人体含65%水分。

  9.Seventy-five percent of the earth'ssur- face is covered by water.地球表面的75%被水覆盖着。

  10.Eighty-five percent of the students in English department are girls.英语系85%的学生是女生。



  (1)“基数词(或a)+序数词+part(s)” a hundred part百分之一

  (2)“基数词+part(s)+in+基数词” five parts in one thousand千分之五

  (3)“基数词+part(s)+per+基数词” one part per million百万分之一



  11.Ninety-nine people out of a hundred,if they were asked who first found America, would answer Clumbus.如果要问是谁首先发现美洲,一百个人中有九十九个(百分之九十九)将回答是哥伦布。

  这种结构中的介词主要有in,out of,of以及to

  12.The map is drawn to a scale of one of ten thousand.这张地图是按万分之一的比例绘制的。

  1.The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System, supplying the rocket fuels fro its ships, easily obtainable from the lunar rocks in the from of liquid oxygen.


  2.The reason lies in its gravity.


  3.This may sound fantastic, but it is easily calculated.


  4.it takes much less energy to accelerate to that 1.5 miles per second than it does on Earth.


  5.Mars has an extraordinary fascination for would-be voyagers.


英语作文 篇6

  Father was my first teacher and is my dear friend. When I was a little girl, I used to sit on my father's knees, listening to his stories. The story"Two friends and a Bear"told me"a friend in need is a friend indeed."I will never forget the story"Madame Curie"which tells me a truth"where there is a will,there is a way."Father's stories enriched my life and did a lot of good to my growth.

  When I was seven years old,I started primary school.I was young,so my father picked me up from school every day.On the way,I told father everything that happened at school.Father listened carefully and always smiled happily. Sometimes I sang a beautiful song. My sweet and lovely voice gave my father the greatest pride.My father is always proud of me. He hopes I will make great progress in my study. Now I have made up my mind to study harder and harder.

  I'm sure my father's love will lead me to my success and I will love him forever!




英语作文 篇7

  6188 maple street

  dallas, teas 75201

  may 15,

  dear ruth,

  why don't you write? of course, you're busy with the close of school so near;but do take time to assure me that you will be here for my birthday. you have a standing invitation to attend all my birthday celebrations, and this is to warn you not to fail to attend this one. mother says that you must stay at least two weeksand mother must be obeyed.

  don't forget your tennis racket. the court is better than ever this spring. don and ted pronounce it "better than perfect'' because they have done the perfecting, and by way of warning: ted slings a mean racket this yearso you'd better be in practice: he plays rings around me.

  please write immediately to tell me when to park the family bus at the station. i must run now, or be late to english class.

  your pal,



  1122 maple wood

  houstoti, teas, 77002

  may 22,

  dear betts,

  it's a shame that business has kept me from answering your last letter.your note makes me feel guilty, and i pause in my mad rush to say -- hold everything till that streamliner pauses at your station at half past five net saturday afternoon.tell your mother i may not "obey" in full, but that i'll make her glad to be rid of me.as for ted,say,i'm out of practicebut unafraid。

  i'm five minutes late — but i'll make that committee meeting.

  good-bye tillsaturday.

英语作文 篇8

  Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree?

  I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too mcuh time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.

  However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the hero of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive to others.

  Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is and important part of a childs development that cannot be provided by a computer.

  In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.

英语作文 篇9




















