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感恩节英语作文Thanksgiving Day

时间:2020-05-30 08:21:52 关于感恩节的作文

感恩节英语作文Thanksgiving Day

  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编精心整理的`感恩节英语作文Thanksgiving Day,希望能够帮助到大家。

感恩节英语作文Thanksgiving Day

  Speaking of gratitude, I believe that everybody is not strange. Gratitude is we the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Thanksgiving teachers, parents, classmates.

  We are grateful parents, because he gives us life, let us see the colorful world. And we also thank the teacher is he (she) people teach us knowledge, let us be knowledge. Second thanks to classmates, because he (she) is to help us in learning, but I am most grateful to my parents. Why I am most grateful to the parents, because Sunday happened one thing. The road to listen to me carefully.

  The morning the weather is particularly good, my father said to go to work, I was very unhappy, there did not think of our living is very simple is to move the brick, moved an hour later, our family sweating like a pig, I cried: is there any water, I have no water, no water but have orange, I ate a half later, mother said that you also eat, mother said no more work.

  Although this matter in the past for a long time, but my heart still ringing in the song: "grateful heart, thank you..."





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